Third Space Coffee in Barron Springs, Kansas


Third Space Coffee
226 Oak Street
Bonner Springs, KS 66012

While spending time at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, I had a reason to drive to the Kansas City Airport with my daughter Piper. (Long, long story including flights being cancelled, a lot of running through airports and re-directed flights.)

So ... since Piper has not yet been to Kansas (one of 8 states she has not yet visited), we thought we would drive into Kansas and find a cool spot.

We found the coolest spot!

In Barron Springs, Kansas, we found ourselves at Third Space Coffee. The downtown of Barron Springs has a welcoming and fun vibe, and the coffee shop is beautiful. We ordered cold brew as well as a few of their sandwiches. I had to order the "Chicken Philly" since we live 20 minutes outside of Philly. It was delicious! Piper had a fancy version of avocado toast that was heavenly. In fact, I had order envy and kept eating hers!

The cold brew was sensational. Very foamy and sweet. It kept us going for the afternoon! 

Our favorite part of Third Space Coffee? The decor! Loved the high ceilings and funky woodwork w eye-catching. The cozy fireplace is a focal point And the young baristas made us feel very welcome! The place was busy! They were working it! 

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